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Female Sildenafil

Female Sildenafil

Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Sildenafil Female | Prescription : Not Required

The active ingredient of the drug Female&nbsp;Sildenafil filis sildenafil citrate <div class="notranslate" style="all: initial;">&nbsp;</div>

Female Sildenafil 100mg

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Method of Usage

Female Sildenafil- Medical Facts You Should Know About This Sex-Stimulating Drug

What is Female Sildenafil?

The active ingredient of the drug Female Sildenafil is sildenafil citrate. The drug is very effective in increasing sexual pleasure in women. The drug comes in the form of oral tablets. The drug works in a way to make the brain of a woman more sensitive to sexual cues.

Female Sildenafil can also improve condition of waning sexual desire of women. The drug acts effectively by increasing the flow of blood to the genitals and producing more sexual arousal in women. It is a highly safe and effective drug. The drug acts as a remedy for all sexual difficulties faced by women.

How to use the drug?

You can take Female Sildenafilaround 45 minutes before sexual activity. You can consume the medicine every 36 hours for maintaining spontaneity of sexual arousal. The effect of the drug lasts for up to 6 hours. In case you miss a dose of the drug, do not overdose yourself. It is advisable to continue with your next dose.

The dose of Female Sildenafil depends on your medical condition and what you want to achieve from the drug. You can orally take the drug before or after food. The drug is not indifferent to food. Therefore a meal which is high on fat may affect the result of the drug.

You should not take grapefruit juice during the medication. You should consult your physician to get precise details on the dosage of the drug.

Any special precautions/ contraindications

If you have a medical history of lung, liver, kidney or heart problem then you should take the drug under medical supervision. People with a recent stroke or heart attack should avoid the drug. Do not take Female Sildenafil along with any other prescription or non-prescription drug without consulting your doctor.

Do not extend the duration of the medication without consulting your medical professional. Any changes in the dosage should be administered only after consulting a medical expert to get maximum benefit from the drug.Pregnant women or lactating mothers can take the drug only on advice of a medical expert.

Keep it away from reach of children. Girls below 18 years of age should not use the drug without consulting a medical expert. Store the drug in a cool and dry place.

5 top benefits of this product

Female Sildenafil is a solution to all the sexual difficulties of women. It is highly effective and safe. The important benefits of the drug are:

• It helps women to derive more sexual pleasure.
• It increases the sexual stamina of women.
• It makes women more sexually aroused.
• It increases sensitivity in the vagina.
• It also increases lubrication in the vaginal region.
• It offers both physiological and psychological benefit to women.

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